Well, after featuring a few podcasts here, I finally did one myself. Ethan from Two Planker Podcast reached out not too long ago on Instagram and asked if I’d be down to sit for a session and ramble on about being a photographer on the East Coast.
It was equally terrifying and cathartic — I haven’t listened to it yet, ha. That said, I do appreciate Ethan for giving me the opportunity to reminisce, most likely inaccurately, about the last 15 years or so.
Give it a listen and hear me and Ethan recount how I got into photography, meeting the Traveling Circus guys, hanging out with the Meathead Film crew and getting my dream job in Seattle working for Line Skis.

We also talked about my Soren McFalls. If you don’t know about Soren, the video below is a must watch. Consider lending a donation HERE. You can listen to his dad, Shane, talk with Out of Bounds Podcast (another favorite) about the last year and a half confronting Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Again, it’s a must listen, and also embedded below.